EnglishEspañolDeutschDeniaDeniaValencia Mon-Fri: 9:30-13:30 | 15:30-17:00 +34 966 421 416 By appointment +34 966 421 416
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Consultancy in Denia

Firmalex consultancy, founded in 2003
Firmalex > Consultancy in Denia
Experience and professionalism

Legal, accounting, labour, and fiscal consultancy in Denia

The Firmalex consultancy, founded in 2003, has its main office in the coastal city of Dénia (halfway between Valencia and Alicante) and it offers a wide range of legal, labour, accounting and tax consultancy services.

The consultancy premises, located in plaza del Convento no. 6, first floor, door B are open to the public from Monday to Friday during business hours, and we receive, by appointment, directly and personally, entrepreneurs, self-employed workers and individuals in general to help them with any type of legal matter with which they need professional advice.

Your benefit and satisfaction are our philosophy

With our services you will receive:

  • A personal study of your case
  • The best options to choose
  • Instant, detailed information of your case
  • Representation in person in all your procedures

Our services

We cover these areas

Legal consultancy

· Civil law
· Criminal law
· Administrative and contentious-administrative jurisdiction
· Claims, legal actions and defence

Tax consultancy

· Taxes for individuals
· Fiscal status of companies
· Fiscal status of self-employed workers
· Advice before the administration

Labour consultancy

· Personnel management
· Administrative proceedings
· Court proceedings
· Inspections, recourses, agreements…

Companies and freelancers

· Advice on the start of the activity
· Accounting and financial area
· Management of share companies (S.A.), limited liability companies (S.L.) and rights of shareholders

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