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When we start the process of buying a home, we usually want it to be done as soon as possible. The excitement of getting the keys and starting to live in it, and sometimes the necessity of housing, make us want to speed up everything. Factors Influencing the Time It Takes to Buy a Property...
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An important part of inheritances is the portion that must be left to specific individuals by law. This is known as forced heirship. Inheritance for Non-Residents in Spain The first thing to keep in mind when receiving an inheritance is that it is distributed according to the regulations in force at the time of the...
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If you live in another country you may find yourself at a complete loss as to how much tax you are entitled to in Spain depending on your circumstances. Let’s examine it all in detail. Who is considered a non-resident in Spain for tax purposes? Firstly, it’s important to understand who is considered a resident...
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Self-employed individuals often complain that the tax pressure they face is too high. One of the taxes that most affects self-employed workers is the personal income tax. But… are they always required to submit the income tax return? When and how? Let’s see everything. What is the income tax return for self-employed individuals? The income...
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The main residence and the second residence in the inheritance may have different treatment as far as taxes are concerned. To understand the treatment regarding Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax, it is necessary to know when a property is considered a main residence and the differences between a main residence and a second residence...
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When the need or interest in purchasing a home increase, the same question often arises: is it better to buy new or second-hand? In this article, we are going to show you all the advantages and disadvantages of choosing one option or the other, so that you make an informed and conscious decision, being aware...
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The issue of inheritances can be somewhat complicated and have different aspects depending on the place of residence. That is why it is important to know the applicable regulations and how taxes related to inheritance work. Applicable regulations When a death occurs, the assets owned by the person who died become their heirs, provided they...
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Inheritance is one of the topics that most people don’t think about. For this reason, errors related to inheritance are often made. These errors can be resolved in most cases by having sufficient information or by relying on specialized professionals. Not being aware of the deadlines set for paying inheritance taxes Although at the time...
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When someone passes away, we often find ourselves not only dealing with an irreplaceable loss but also navigating through a world of bureaucracy and other matters of which we have little knowledge. When it comes to inheritances, there are some common problems that arise in many of these processes. Legitimate heirs It may happen that...
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When we talk about inheritance, it can be somewhat complicated, especially if the amount to be transferred after death is very high. Therefore, it is important to know what legitimate inheritance is and when it applies. What is legitimate inheritance? The legitimate inheritance is the part of the inheritance that the testator cannot freely dispose...
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